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News & Events


How to Help a Foster Child Feel Welcome in Your Home

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RISE Services Inc. believes everyone deserves to live in a nurturing and supportive family environment. That is why we work with foster families to provide loving and stable homes for children in the foster care system, and we also license families to foster children and adults with developmental disabilities. If you are considering becoming a foster […]

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What Are Family Preservation Services?

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RISE Services Inc. supports children, adults and families with a variety of needs across multiple states. We firmly believe in the foundation of the family, and we work to sustain families with services that enable them to function in a supportive and caring environment. In 1993, the Social Security Act was expanded dramatically in an […]

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What Is a Language Processing Disorder and How Is It Treated?

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RISE Services Inc. works with parents in Arizona, Utah, and Oregon to help children living with disabilities experience the best possible life. This can at times become more complex if the child has a Language Processing Disorder, or LPD. A Language Processing Disorder makes it very difficult to understand and communicate effectively with other people. […]

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Encouraging and Supporting a Healthy Lifestyle for People with Disabilities

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We find it important to take a holistic view to working with our client population. Our residential settings, day programs, employment assistance programs, managed care, and home and community-based services focus on fulfilling mental, physical, emotional, self-worth, independence, and other needs to create opportunities for and with people. One component that is crucial to enabling […]

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The Importance of Supporting Services that Empower People with Disabilities

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The importance of providing a wide range of quality services and programs to individuals living with disabilities and their families was reaffirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with its release of an infographic entitled, “Disability Impacts All of Us.” Their data reveals that: 61 million adults in the United States live with […]

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Family Services Provided by RISE in Arizona

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RISE Services Inc. provides family services in Arizona that create safe spaces for children to thrive and families to flourish: RISE Arizona Foster Care Licensing and Adoption Certification Services  Did you know that according to Arizona’s Department of Child Safety, as of August 2019, the state is still in need of 1,364 Foster homes. Last […]

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Help Support the Efforts of RISE Services Inc.

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As you may know, RISE Services Inc. provides support for people with disabilities in Utah, Arizona, Oregon and Idaho. Our caring professionals are already providing a wide variety of desperately needed services and there is so much more we want to do. Unfortunately, continuously sustaining such a high level of support requires money, money that […]

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The Importance of Sensory Play for Children With Disabilities

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We’re always looking for better and more effective ways of serving our client populations. That is why we are so happy to see more attention being focused on the importance of sensory play for children with disabilities. Many large organizations and public spaces now incorporate sensory play areas to make events and places more accessible […]

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The Power of Language When Talking About Disabilities

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We work with a large population of people who receive our services, and the people that provide those services in a loving, caring manner. To help empower our communities, we feel it is important to speak to the power of using the correct language when talking about disabilities, and when talking to people with disabilities. […]

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Your Child’s Development and Early Intervention

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For parents that are raising a child with any type of disability, it is important to monitor their child’s development from the earliest possible stages. Talk to your primary pediatrician if there are areas of concern, or to find ways to help your child live a happy and fulfilled life. RISE also provides information to […]

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