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RISE Services, Inc. began providing services in Florida in 2021 with the acquisition of ABA Every Day. Our collaborative, whole-family, whole-child approach sets us apart from other providers.

Learn about our Florida services in detail:


Flexibility and Compassion
"My favorite part of working at RISE in the Family Services department is being part of a passionate team and making a difference. Everyone is dedicated to making sure the foster families and the children are receiving the best possible services and support. I enjoy working with RISE because of the flexibility, compassion, and how they push for self care."

Striving for Good Things
"I have worked as a receptionist for almost 15 years for RISE Services, Inc. It’s certainly one of the longest jobs I’ve ever had. There is nothing greater than to work, experience, learn, and strive for good things. My heart feels full of gratitude. To be honest, for some with high functioning Autism, having a job is hard. Some people don’t get to have the understanding which I’ve been able to have and also the support and help from many who have worked at RISE Services. It’s been such a great thing in my life and has helped me to become who I am today. I love my bosses, coworkers, and those who work for RISE Services. Thank You!"

Team Building
"RISE Family Services highlights the importance of teamwork and support. We find importance in team building to promote the well-being and motivation of employees. Our staff works as a team unit and is always willing to provide support and guidance to one another. RISE is a great place to work and grow!"

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