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Family Services Provided by RISE in Arizona

RISE Services Inc. provides family services in Arizona that create safe spaces for children to thrive and families to flourish:

RISE Arizona Foster Care Licensing and Adoption Certification Services 

Did you know that according to Arizona’s Department of Child Safety, as of August 2019, the state is still in need of 1,364 Foster homes. Last year, we were able to license 63 new homes in 2018 but still are pushing further for more! 

We create loving and stable homes for children in Arizona foster care. Whenever possible, we place children in family settings where they receive structure, stability, and love during this difficult time.

  • Licensing: There are four license types: Family Foster Home, Kinship (Relative), Child Developmental Home, and Adult Developmental Home. The licensing process includes an interview with RISE, training course, home study, state inspection, paperwork and licensing. You can view the DCS website videos for further information on the Arizona foster care system. A RISE Family Support Specialist guides families every step of the way. A Family Specialist will also visit your home for a minimum of four hours to get to know your family, so we can create the home study, answer questions, and gather the necessary licensing paperwork.
  • Training: Our Family Support Specialists are in your home monthly to help direct you, as well as offer 24/7 emergency support through our on-call services.
  • Support: Our RISE Family Specialists aid in advocating for services foster children need. We also attend court hearings, foster care review boards, child and family team meetings, and any other encounters that require our involvement. 

RISE Family Services in Arizona continues to look for incredible individuals and families that are willing and ready to open their homes to children in foster care. The Department of Child Safety estimates that the state of Arizona will need 1,364 newly licensed families in 2020 in order to provide placement for all of the new children coming in to care.

Becoming a foster parent is easier than ever now that the required training course is now only 5 weeks long. If you have ever felt a call to help a child please contact us for more information!

RISE Parent Aide Services in Arizona

Our Parent Aide program is an Arizona-contracted service that creates opportunities for biological parents whose children are in state custody. Parent Aides provide the opportunity to engage in parenting time while strengthening the parent/child relationship.

Parent Aides are professionally trained individuals who become role models for parents that need help in dealing with life’s daily challenges. Aides teach parents to be more responsible and loving to their children, model appropriate parenting techniques, focus on the parents’ good qualities, and refer families to community agencies when necessary. The two main components of this six-month service are weekly one-on-one skill sessions and parenting time (supervised visits).

Supporting and educating our parents to give them a better chance at reuniting with their children is an important goal for us at RISE. Last year, in 2018, we were able to provide Parent Aide services to 115 biological parents with the goal of reunification. 

RISE Family Preservation Services in Arizona

Family Preservation is a 60- to 120-day program offering intensive, short-term, in-home support and counseling to families referred by the Department of Child Safety to resolve concerns related to child abuse or neglect. We work with biological parents who are in danger of losing their children to foster care.

Our goal is to preserve the family structure so the child does not have to experience removal, and in 2018 we were able to successfully reunite 129 children with their biological families. We focus our services to improve the well-being of families, enhance family functioning, increase competence in parenting abilities, foster a sense of self-sufficiency, reduce risk factors, increase protective factors, and stabilize placements. Part of Family Preservation is Substance Exposed Newborns Safe Environment, or S.E.N.S.E., which includes a coordinated system of care for substance-exposed newborns and their families.

To learn more about RISE family services in Arizona, email questions to Arizona Family Services at, sign up for our newsletter, or stop by one of our conveniently-located Arizona offices.