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Category: AZ

Children and Youth

International Children’s Day: Advocating for & Protecting Our Youth

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Each year, the global community celebrates International Children’s Day in June. Child welfare organizations and various countries honor this special day by advocating for and protecting children’s rights, safety, and well-being. RISE Services, Inc. has been creating opportunities and supporting children and their families to provide for their physical safety and mental well-being since 1987. […]

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Foster Care

What Is Respite Care & Why Is It Important

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Foster parents, professional parents, family members, and caregivers experience unique challenges when supporting foster children and individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD). A weekend away or even a short break can help recharge caregivers. Respite care is a valuable solution that RISE Services, Inc. offers. Let’s take a look at what respite care is […]

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Foster Families

Help Your Foster Children Set & Achieve Their Personal Goals

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As the new year begins, many individuals nationwide are making resolutions and setting goals. This annual activity is not only for adults but also for teens, children, and families. Foster children, in particular, can greatly benefit from achieving personal goals. So, RISE Services, Inc. encourages you to begin setting valuable goals with your foster children. […]

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A Christmas Message of Gratitude

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Gratitude is a powerful tool if people choose to use it. The holiday is the perfect time of year to count our blessings and be thankful for loved ones and friends. Gratitude is also good for mental health as it reduces anxiety and helps individuals cope with stressful moments. Watch Gerald Nebeker, Founder and President […]

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RISE Services

3 Things We Are Thankful for at RISE

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Thanksgiving is a special time for many families. Roast turkey, potatoes and gravy, and delicious pumpkin pie are only a few things we all look forward to in November. Thanksgiving is also an excellent time to consider what we are truly grateful for. At RISE Services, Inc., we have much for which we are thankful, […]

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The Importance of Inclusion for Individuals Living With an I/DD

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RISE Services, Inc. is looking for individuals who live with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) to be on our Board of Directors. We believe it’s important to have an inclusive leadership team that welcomes, respects, and values individuals with I/DD – who can move our agency forward as we create opportunities for and with the […]

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Foster Care

How Foster Parenting Can Change Your Life

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May is Foster Parent Appreciation Month! Here at RISE Services, Inc., we are so grateful for our foster parents who provide a nurturing and stable home environment for children during a difficult time of their lives. Without them, we couldn’t support biological families as they work to create a safe and loving home for their […]

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