Category: Uncategorized
Their Voice: Everyone has dreams
Every year as I get closer to my birthday, I find myself asking the same questions that I have asked myself as long as I can remember. Am I doing what I want to do? Am I achieving all that I am capable of? Do I still have the same goals that I did last […]
Their Voice: Special Olympics Summer Games start June 12
It’s official, summer vacation is upon us. For many, myself included, summer vacation means spending a lot of time at a local sports park cheering on children and grandchildren as they play their favorite sports. If you are someone who enjoys spending time outside watching a great game, this is something you won’t want to […]
Their Voice: Did you know there’s another Independence Day in the U.S.?
July is a month to honor and recollect all of the sacrifices that have led to our nation’s independence. As a community we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth with parades, picnics, fireworks and the American flag. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to another landmark […]
Their Voice: Celebrating World Down Syndrome Awareness Day
I was referred recently to an essay, “Welcome to Holland,” written in 1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. Kingsley, a mother of a child born with disabilities, compares pregnancy to planning a trip to Italy and the preparation for the newborn as the preparation for the trip. She continues to create a parallel between learning that […]
Value the Work: Raise the Wage
We need local and national legislature to recognize and reward the specialized work of these dedicated professionals. It’s an essential service and a big problem in need of an immediate solution. Part of the problem is the lack of information as well as understanding on the part of elected officials. Read more at
Their Voice: The often thankless job – Utah’s caregivers are lifting others
The calendar that alerts me of monthly observances informed me that Friday is National Caregivers Day. Observed annually on the third Friday in February, this day was originally founded by the Providers Association for Home Health and Hospice Agencies to recognize “caregivers providing quality, compassionate care every day.” Although the original intent of this day […]
Their Voice: Participants in early intervention programs increasing, funds are not
Tel Morris began walking at the age of 14 months, just two months after his twin brother Renn. What makes this story worth telling is that when their mother Lacey was 28 weeks pregnant, she was informed that Tel’s brain did not form properly. Read the full story at
Their Voice: The playground problem: How Orem and its community are becoming more inclusive
I frequently hear people in my generation remark about the differences with children now and the variety of ways that they entertain themselves. They refer to the “good old days” when children had to use their imagination in play rather than turn on a device. However, one thing that all recent generations of children have […]
Their Voice: Early intervention makes all the difference
August 31 was a beautiful day for a picnic, specifically the picnic at the Salem Pond Park organized by the staff of Kids Who Count. Kids Who Count is an early intervention program in Salem that provides services to infants and toddlers living in the Nebo School District. “It was the first picnic we have […]
Their Voice: Undetectable disabilities exist in our county
My friend has a disability. Often we think disabilities are only those that we can see such as a person in a wheelchair or someone with a developmental disability with distinct characteristics like Down’s syndrome or Cerebral palsy. However, there are many other types of disabilities that are undetectable. According to the Americans with Disabilities […]